Monday, May 20, 2013


Over the past 5 years (2008 – 2012), the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin (OTI) processed applications to remove tribal-owned parcels from Hobart’s tax base for placement into federal (tax-exempt) “Indian trust.” The Village filed legal objections to the removal of a total of 142 parcels (approximately 3,000 acres) of taxable land from the Hobart tax base.

On May 9, 2013 the Interior Board of Indian Appeals (IBIA) issued a ruling that denied placement of these parcels into federal trust, remanded/vacated all of the tribal parcels back to the Oneida Tribe and Bureau of Indian Affairs. Just as before the Tribe’s application efforts began, the parcels remain in the tax base.

What this has meant to Hobart and other taxing entities is significant in terms of taxes saved over the past five years and taxes available for collection in the future years. Here is the breakdown of taxes collected on parcels owned by the tribe that were not removed from tax base during 2008 – 2012:

While the tax dollars saved by Hobart have helped offset legal expenses, Brown County and the Pulaski and West De Pere School Districts have significantly benefitted from Hobart’s legal courage and will continue to do so—even without their interest, contribution, support, or assistance to the Village of Hobart. The Village also benefits from the ability to manage zoning and future compatible land uses.

Village President, Rich Heidel noted: “Our Board has always promised Hobart taxpayers that we would do everything we could to keep our tax rate low and stable, treat all parcels fairly, and defend the community against unwarranted loss of tax parcels, so we are very gratified that our efforts have been successful.  Much credit goes to our legal counsel, Frank Kowalkowski of Davis & Kuelthau in Green Bay.”  He added, “While we acted on behalf of our Village, I would hope that other taxing entities, with higher tax rates than Hobart, would pay closer attention to the good works of this Village.”

A map attached to this Village press release illustrates Oneida Tribe’s federal trust parcels (in purple) and fee parcels (in red) that remain in Hobart’s tax base.

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